Welcome to the At Home part of the Middle School Ministry! The purpose of this page is to keep you connected to what we're doing and learning together, so you can jump in, continue the conversation and leverage it for continued spiritual growth at home. We believe you are the most important spiritual influence in your kids' lives!

Below you'll find a Follow Up for each part of our ministry as it happens. Follow Ups will be posted on the day of each gathering!

First Corinthians 10

In chapter ten, Paul encourages the Corinthian Church to remember their Israelite ancestors, both their faith in the Lord and their shortcomings in following him and to learn from their past.


What are some things you can learn from our family history?
Who is something in your life who you can follow as they follow Christ?

Hebrews 3:12-14

Tonight at our Community Group Gathering we read Hebrews 3:12-14 and highlighted how important it is to have people around us who can help us identify when our hearts, sin and the culture around us deceive us.


Why do you think our hearts can sometimes lead us away from God's will?
How does being connected to other believers help us stay faithful to following God?

ABIDE: Day by Day

At Lunch and Study, we had a full and delicious hot dog bar, followed by time looking at a time when God taught the Israelites to rely on him day by day. (Exodus 16:14-31)


What does it mean to rely on God to provide for you each day?
How does that teach you to trust Him more?
Check below for upcoming gatherings!